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Local Information


Emergencies:  Dial 911


Green Oak Township Website


Green Oak Township Home Owners Information (Great Resource!)


Green Oak Township Police Non-Emergency:  517-546-9111


Green Oak Township Fire Department Non-Emergency:  810-231-3663


Green Oak Township Hall 810-231-1333

Association Information


Four Lakes Association

P.O. Box 631, South Lyon, Michigan 48178

The Four Lakes Association is comprised of eighty-eight homes and properties. These homes and properties are located on. Airline Drive, Cherry Lane, Fairway Drive, Four Lakes Drive, Gamewood Drive, Greenway Drive, Springvail Court and 9 Mile Road. The Association owns a private beach front and boat dockage (see associated sections for details).

Association Duties

 -Road Maintenance: Including material, grading, dust control, snow/ice removal, salting and sanding
-Trees/Vegetation Management: Including trimming and removal of encroaching limbs/vegetation to maintain the right-of-way and safe passage of vehicles and members
-Road Signage and Maintenance
-Culvert Maintenance
-Beach Area Maintenance: Including turf and other common areas
-Liability Insurance Fees and Legal Fees
-Filing of Annual Reports with the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

FLA Complaint Form
 If a Member has observed a potential violation of the FLA Bylaws, Policies, Rules, Ordinances, Etc. Please fill out a Complaint Form and submit it to a board member.

FLA Complaint Form

Association Dues

Association dues are assessed annually in October. There are 2 payment plans available. 1) One payment of $350 due in October. 2) Two payments of $175 Due in October and April.  You will receive an invoice with the amount due and a deadline for submission

Association Board

The Association Board meets regularly (approximately once a month and as needed) and also conducts an Annual General Membership Meeting in the Summer of each year. Meeting dates/times/locations are posted on this web site and on the road side signs and all members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The current Board of Trustees is listed below. Feel free to contact any Trustee with issues/concerns.


         William Munch- President -

         Carol Eberhart - Vice President -

         Mike Madis- Recording Secretary -

         Shantel Bussey - Treasurer -

         Jeff Arvidson - Trustee At Large -

Association By-Laws

Please review the By-Laws and also included is P.A. 137

Third Amendment to the Bylaws of Four Lakes Association, lnc.    PA 137

A Recreational Vehicle (RV) Policy

The membership approved a policy to regulate recreational vehicles on FLA Private Roads at the membership meeting held in June, 2014.  The communication, as distributed to members via email, is posted here and includes:

-Cover Letter to all Members 3/30/2015

-RV Policy 3/30/2015

Beach and Path Use
The Beach Path is located near the end of Four Lakes Drive. All members in good standing may use the beach at their own risk as there is no Lifeguard on Duty! Recreational use is allowed and members must follow the Association rules.

Note: Be mindful and respectful of the home owners on the Beach Path and to the home owners adjacent to the Beach itself.

The ‘Four Lakes’
There is no public access to any of the four lakes in our area and there is no boat launch from the Four Lakes Association Beach. Canoes and Kayaks may be launched from shore but they may not be left/stored at the beach.

The four lakes that can be accessible by boat are:
  -Sandy Bottom Lake
  -Dollar Lake
  -Crooked Lake (also known as 10 Mile Lake)
  -Lime Kiln Lake

Boating rules and safety on or in the water are a priority!
All lakes allow fishing provided you have a State of Michigan Fishing License.
All lakes (with the exception of Dollar Lake) may be used for recreational water sports.

Note: Abide by all ‘No Wake’ zones near shore lines and all canals.

Boat Dock

There is currently a waiting list for Four Lakes Association Boat slips. Please contact the Association President or Vice President to be added to the list.
Please click on the PDF icon to see the most current version of the boat dock wait list.


Dogs must be on a leash when not confined within fencing; they may not roam free. Please pick-up any waste from roads or properties. To report un-leashed or uncontrolled dogs contact one of the following:

Green Oak Township Ordinance Officer, Lee Koons: 810-231-1333 ext. 107

Livingston County Animal Control: 517-546-2154
418 S Highlander Way
Howell, Michigan 48843

Township ordinances permit open burning in certain circumstances.
-Open burning of yard waste like brush, grass and leaves is allowed with a permit, in an approved location.
-A burn permit is good for 14 days. A permit can be renewed after it has expired.
-Open burning is prohibited in driveways or roads, or within 15 feet of a road.
-All fires must be attended at all times, and a source of water must be present.
-Open burning is prohibited after dark. The exceptions are bonfires and recreational fires.
-Bonfires and recreational fires are permitted. They are defined as a few logs made into a small fire. A bonfire or recreational fire does not contain     leaves or grass clippings. An initial inspection is required for a recreational campfire. Re-inspection is not required if it remains in the same location.
-Fines for violating the open burning ordinance are cumulative: $75 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense, and $300 for the third offense.
To apply for a burn permit contact the Fire Department at (810) 231-3663 and they will help you with the process.

Speed Limit
The speed limit (as posted) on all Association roads is 15 MPH. You must comply and advise all guests/visitors accordingly. Be alert for children on bikes, people walking, un-plated motorized vehicles and our wildlife!

Road Maintenance
Road Maintenance is performed on an as-needed basis. Contact a Board Member if you have any special concerns.

Note: Please do not place yard debris/waste in any road.

Release of Liability Form

Form Link


Garbage Removal and Recycling

Garbage removal and recycling is at your own cost. The Association endorses:  Duncan Disposal    
Utilizing Duncan Disposal limits the frequency of large truck traffic on our roads and it also minimizes road wear/tear as well as minimizes noise pollution.

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